Back in the 1960s, Franz Kanetscheider and his wife Tilia realised their dream of owning a hotel. The Resa Blancia was built and over the years it was modernised, rebuilt and repeatedly enlarged to consistently offer guests a special holiday home. Walter, one of Franz and Tilia’s children, followed in his father’s footsteps and took over the business together with his wife Gaby, daughter Vanessa and son Robert.
… is sure to put a smile on your face with her cheerful personality. You will find Gaby at the reception and in the bar service, where she always has an listening ear for guests and fulfils (almost) every wish. Making you feel at home in the hotel is a very special concern of your hostess.
… as a loving grandmother and great-grandmother she provides help wherever she is needed. Her sensitive nature and gentle manner is – literally – like a balm for the soul and has warmed even the coolest of hearts. Her favourite place to be is in the garden, where her green fingers help the nature to thrive.
… has gathered insider experience of kitchens in Australia and America. Today, he prepares plates and fills glasses with all kinds of delicacies at Resa Blancia and has cooked his way into the hearts of the guests. Even though he sometimes has his hands full, he doesn’t loose his cool, but always finds time for new and creative ideas.
… like mother Gaby and father Walter, she has the host gene in her blood and has set up her own Bed & Breakfast “Aria de Munt” with boyfriend Marco (opening summer 2022). Until then, you can find her in the evenings in the service department or on the slopes, where she is in her element as a ski instructor.
… can not only wrap you around his little finger with his special dessert creations, the son of the house has also inherited a knack for cooking just like his father Walter. When he’s not brooding over a new dessert idea, you’ll find him in the mountains and on the slopes.